Welcome to Hippiesque TieDyes!

About the Artist

Hi! My name is Megan or Marge, I go by both. Not much to know about me other than I love tie dying, crocheting, my cats and the people I'm close with. I work as a body piercer at Canalside Tattoo Company in Medina, NY and make my tie dyes whenever I can! 
I'm self taught and have been tie dying most of my life. My parents were big fans of The Grateful Dead and always had me dressed in tie dye growing up. I didn't start playing with different and more adavnce designs until 2017 and eventually I wanted to share and sell my creations online. Hippiesque TieDyes was born May 2018!! 
Thank you for visiting my website! I appreciate any supposrt when it comes to my art, I wouldn't be here without you.